FOGO stands for Food Organics, Garden Organics, and it refers to the kerbside collection of food scraps and garden organics which are diverted from landfill and turned into compost. A handy way to think about FOGO is 'if it didn't live or grow, it isn't FOGO'.

As our population grows, so does the amount of waste generated. It is important that we take action to reduce our waste where possible for a more sustainable future. The FOGO bin service diverts a significant amount of organic waste from landfill, and instead earthcycles it into compost

Agreed list: Better practice FOGO kerbside collections

agreed-list-for-fogo-kerbside-collection-final.pdf (

FOGO and ‘Better Bins’

The three—bin FOGO system includes a dedicated kerbside waste stream for Food Organics and Garden Organics material. This is collected and used to create high quality compost products.

The three-bin FOGO system is currently the better-practice waste management system for Western Australia (WA). Data from WA councils that have transitioned to the three-bin FOGO system shows the amount of material diverted from landfill doubles, at a minimum. The diversion rate may be much larger depending on the area and bin system currently in place.

FOGO is part of the state-wide ‘Better Bins’ initiative and supports the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (WARR) strategy. This aligns with the Waste Hierarchy which highlights the spectrum of behaviours from most preferred to least preferred, with the overall aim of reducing waste through a multi-pronged circular approach.:

‘Better Bins Plus’ supports a headline commitment in Western Australia’s Waste avoidance and resource recovery strategy 2030 (also know as the ‘Waste Strategy’) to roll out a consistent three-bin kerbside collection system, which includes separation of FOGO material from other waste streams, by all local governments in the Perth and Peel regions.

In addition, the EMRC also developed a FOGO Recovery Strategy, which Council endorsed in 2019 (( to help guide the EMRC’s FOGO roll out in conjunction with its member Councils.

EMRC FOGO Strategy

Of the EMRC member Councils, the Town of Bassendean and the City of Bayswater have already transitioned to the FOGO system. The  Shire of Mundaring roll out in July 2024 and the City of Swan commence their staged roll out from 2024. The EMRC has assisted with FOGO implementation and continues to support our Councils via community engagement and educational materials. The following services are available to help Councils with a smooth and successful transition:

  • Communication and engagement support
  • Staff and community event support
  • Rollout advice – including messaging, design of collateral and evidence-based best practice approach.

For more information on how we can assist, please email 

Western Australians are consciously reusing, reprocessing, recycling and avoiding waste at an increasing rate. We are generating less waste and recycling more. However, to protect our unique environment from the impacts of waste and litter, and to maximise the benefits of good waste management, more work needs to be done. - Marcus Geisler, CEO EMRC & Former Chair of the Waste Authority