
The EMRC provides assistance to schools in the Eastern Metropolitan Region as below:

Containers for Change

Assistance with setting up a Containers for Change system around the school. The Waste Education team can offer guidance on the procurement of bins, signage, and setting up containers for change infrastructure throughout the school. The team also assess the best bin placement to prevent contamination. The scheme is a great way to raise funds for the school. The Waste Education team can provide educational material on the Containers for Change system and present to a school assembly to ensure all students are aware of the system.

Loan Boxes

The EMRC has a selection of equipment that schools can borrow to assist with education for sustainability and compliment waste avoidance and reduction initiatives. Use of the loan resources is free for schools in the Town of Bassendean, Cities of Bayswater and Swan and the Shire of Mundaring. Visit the What’s On Loan page here

Advice on reducing landfill and improving resource recovery

The Waste Education team can offer advice on best practice waste collection systems. The process includes reviewing the schools waste contract with an assessment of current waste volumes and bin distribution throughout the school. The program is designed to support your school in setting up bin systems to reduce landfill and increase resource recovery. The team can also attend a school assembly to explain the new approach to the students and teachers. 

Assistance with WasteSorted school accreditation 

The Waste Education team can assist your school in becoming a WasteSorted accredited school. The team can offer advice on the application and accreditation process. The Department of Water and Environment (DWER) manages the WasteSorted Schools program, which will assist your school in setting up infrastructure, help with source separation, and provide resources to change attitudes and behaviour around sustainable waste management. Accredited WasteSorted schools have access to grants. WasteSorted Schools | Waste Authority WA


The Waste Education Team are able to provide free of charge presentations to school groups on request. Presentations are only available for ≥ Year 3 students unless presented to a whole school assembly. The EMRC work in conjunction with your local council to provide waste education support to schools and community groups.


Tour of Red Hill Waste Management Facility

The EMRC offers Tours of Red Hill Waste Management Facility to schools in the Eastern Metropolitan Regional -area. Visit the Tours page here  


Community Groups

The Waste Education team can offer advice on waste minimisation and resource recovery. Please contact the team with your specific request or enquiry.

Loan Boxes

The EMRC has a selection of equipment that community groups can borrow to assist with education for sustainability and compliment waste avoidance and reduction initiatives. Use of the loan resources is free for community groups in the Town of Bassendean, Cities of Bayswater and Swan and the Shire of Mundaring. Visit the What’s On Loan page here

Tour of Red Hill Waste Management Facility

The EMRC offers Tours of Redhill Waste Management facilities to community groups in the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council area. Visit the Tours page here 


Clothes Swap
Whats On Loan


Fee for Service

Our Waste Education Team offers comprehensive support that goes beyond standard community engagement and event assistance.  Please reach out to the Waste Education team to enquire about pricing for our services. Fees and Charges » Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council (

To express your interest or to make enquiries please email

